The information you need to make the right decision
A building inspection by Doric Property Inspections is a comprehensive assessment of the structure and foundations, unlike many others, which are often umbrella statements that only comment on the condition of the floors or walls of the building generally.
Our building inspections state the type of defect or repair required and the location, with photographs to easily identify the issue (which can then in turn, be used by your tradesperson to rectify the defect).
This is applicable for stand-alone buildings, such as residential and commercial properties. It is also suitable for pre-purchase inspections of units, town houses, duplexes and villas, because it looks at the foundations and the structure of the building as a whole.
Call us to arrange a pre-purchase commercial building inspection or a pre-purchase residential building inspection in Sydney.
What does a pre-purchase building inspection include?
Our pre-purchase building inspection reports are a very comprehensive assessment of the interior and the exterior of the building and include (but are not limited to:

About our pre-purchase building inspection reports?
Our pre-purchase building inspection reports are a comprehensive, 20- page guide filled with detailed information about the condition of the property, written in layman’s terms so you can easily understand the content.
Your building inspection report will include an overall summary of our findings and a list of any major defects. This is followed by a detailed report on any of these repairs or defects and suggested solutions, as well as photographs for easy reference.
Our detailed pre-purchase building report will give you a clear picture of the state of the property so you can make an informed decision whether or not you want to proceed with the purchase.
New Building Inspections
New buildings should be inspected by either council or private certifiers throughout the construction period until completion and then finally issued with a completion certificate. It is strongly recommended that progressive inspections of the work is carried out at various hold points; Critical inspections are; steel reinforcement inspection prior to the pouring of concrete slabs/ footings, wall and roof framework and wiring and pipework prior to sheeting, waterproofing prior to tiling works, other inspections such as joinery, floor coverings, wall and ceiling finishes, tiling and joinery are recommended however less important due to the non-structural nature.
If the building is new and an independent inspector has not carried out progressive inspections, then it is still recommended that a completion inspection be carried out, to allow the potential purchaser to identify any visible defects, which the builder can rectify prior to occupancy. The purchaser can also get a an experts opinion on the overall quality of the workmanship.
Commercial Building Inspections
Commercial buildings are often suspect to major defects due to age and the nature of the building; heavy plant is often housed within the buildings, which may result in structural damage to the concrete floor slabs, footings or structural walls. In addition to the structural defects; other hazards may be present, such as corroded framework (metal portal frames) or roof sheeting, vermiculite or asbestos, which may be present in wall or roof sheeting and/ or firerating. These defects are not tyopically identified if the building is part of a strata or company title.